This tutorial describes the core socket functions required to write a complete TCP client and server.
Following is the diagram showing complete Client and Server interaction:
The socket Function:
To perform network I/O, the first thing a process must do is call the socket function, specifying the type of communication protocol desired and protocol family etc.#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> int socket (int family, int type, int protocol); |
family: specifies the protocol family and is one of the constants shown below:
IPv4 protocols
IPv6 protocols
Unix domain protocols
Routing Sockets
Ket socket
This tutorial does not talk about other protocols except IPv4.
type: specifies kind of socket you want. It can take one of the following values:
Stream socket
Datagram socket
Sequenced packet socket
Raw socket
protocol: argument should be set to the specific protocol type given below or 0 to select the system's default for the given combination of family and type:
TCP transport protocol
UDP transport protocol
SCTP transport protocol
The connect Function:
The connect function is used by a TCP client to establish a connection with a TCP server.#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> int connect(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *serv_addr, int addrlen); |
sockfd: is a socket descriptor returned
by the socket function.
serv_addr is a pointer to struct sockaddr
that contains destination IP address and port.
addrlen set it to sizeof(struct
The bind Function:
The bind function assigns a local protocol address to a socket. With the Internet protocols, the protocol address is the combination of either a 32-bit IPv4 address or a 128-bit IPv6 address, along with a 16-bit TCP or UDP port number. This function is called by TCP server only.#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> int bind(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *my_addr,int addrlen); |
sockfd: is a socket descriptor returned
by the socket function.
my_addr is a pointer to struct sockaddr
that contains local IP address and port.
addrlen set it to sizeof(struct
You can put your IP address and your port automatically:
A 0 value for port number means system will choose a random port and INADDR_ANY value for IP address means server's IP address will be assigned automatically.
server.sin_port = 0; server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; |
NOTE: As descript in Ports and Services tutorials, all ports bellow 1024 are reserved. So you can set a port above 1024 and bellow 65535 unless the ones being used by other programs.
The listen Function:
The listen function is called only by a TCP server and it performs two actions:
The listen function converts an unconnected
socket into a passive socket, indicating that the kernel should accept incoming
connection requests directed to this socket.
The second argument to this function specifies
the maximum number of connections the kernel should queue for this socket.
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> int listen(int sockfd,int backlog); |
sockfd: is a socket descriptor returned
by the socket function.
backlog is the number of allowed
The accept Function:
The accept function is called by a TCP server to return the next completed connection from the front of the completed connection queue. Following is the signature of the call:#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> int accept (int sockfd, struct sockaddr *cliaddr, socklen_t *addrlen); |
sockfd: is a socket descriptor returned
by the socket function.
cliaddr is a pointer to struct sockaddr
that contains client IP address and port.
addrlen set it to sizeof(struct
The send Function:
The send function is used to send data over stream sockets or CONNECTED datagram sockets. If you want to send data over UNCONNECTED datagram sockets you must use sendto() function.You can use write() system call to send the data. This call is explained in helper functions tutorial.
int send(int sockfd, const void *msg, int len, int flags); |
sockfd: is a socket descriptor returned
by the socket function.
msg is a pointer to the data you want to
len is the length of the data you want to
send (in bytes).
flags is set to 0.
The recv Function:
The recv function is used to receive data over stream sockets or CONNECTED datagram sockets. If you want to receive data over UNCONNECTED datagram sockets you must use recvfrom().You can use read() system call to read the data. This call is explained in helper functions tutorial.
int recv(int sockfd, void *buf, int len, unsigned int flags); |
sockfd: is a socket descriptor returned
by the socket function.
buf is the buffer to read the information
len is the maximum length of the buffer.
flags is set to 0.
The sendto Function:
The sendto function is used to send data over UNCONNECTED datagram sockets. Put simply, when you use scoket type as SOCK_DGRAMint sendto(int sockfd, const void *msg, int len, unsigned int flags, const struct sockaddr *to, int tolen); |
sockfd: is a socket descriptor returned
by the socket function.
msg is a pointer to the data you want to
len is the length of the data you want to
send (in bytes).
flags is set to 0.
to is a pointer to struct sockaddr for
the host where data has to be sent.
tolen is set it to sizeof(struct
The recvfrom Function:
The recvfrom function is used to receive data from UNCONNECTED datagram sockets. Put simply, when you use scoket type as SOCK_DGRAMint recvfrom(int sockfd, void *buf, int len, unsigned int flags struct sockaddr *from, int *fromlen); |
sockfd: is a socket descriptor returned
by the socket function.
buf is the buffer to read the information
len is the maximum length of the buffer.
flags is set to 0.
from is a pointer to struct sockaddr for
the host where data has to be read.
fromlen is set it to sizeof(struct
The close Function:
The close function is used to close the communication between client and close( int sockfd ); |
sockfd: is a socket descriptor returned
by the socket function.
The shutdown Function:
The shutdown function is used to gracefully close the communication between client and server. This function gives more control in caomparision of close shutdown(int sockfd, int how); |
sockfd: is a socket descriptor returned
by the socket function.
how: put one of the numbers:
0 indicates receives disallowed,
1 indicatesthat sends disallowed and
2 indicates that sends and receives
disallowed. When how is set to 2, it's the same thing as close().
The select Function:
The select function indicates which of the specified file descriptors is ready for reading, ready for writing, or has an error condition pending.When an application calls recv or recvfrom it is blocked until data arrives for that socket. An application could be doing other useful processing while the incoming data stream is empty. Another situation is when an application receives data from multiple sockets.
Calling recv or recvfrom on a socket that has no data in it's input queue prevents immediate reception of data from other sockets. The select function call solves this problem by allowing the program to poll all the socket handles to see if they are available for non-blocking reading and writing operations.
int select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *errorfds, struct timeval *timeout);
nfds: specifies the range of file
descriptors to be tested. The select() function tests file descriptors in the
range of 0 to nfds-1
readfds:points to an object of type fd_set
that on input specifies the file descriptors to be checked for being ready to
read, and on output indicates which file descriptors are ready to read. Can be
NULL to indicate an empty set.
writefds:points to an object of type fd_set
that on input specifies the file descriptors to be checked for being ready to
write, and on output indicates which file descriptors are ready to write Can be
NULL to indicate an empty set.
exceptfds :points to an object of type fd_set
that on input specifies the file descriptors to be checked for error conditions
pending, and on output indicates which file descriptors have error conditions
pending. Can be NULL to indicate an empty set.
timeout :poins to a timeval struct that
specifies how long the select call should poll the descriptors for an available
I/O operation. If the timeout value is 0, then select will return immediately.
If the timeout argument is NULL, then select will block until at least one
file/socket handle is ready for an available I/O operation. Otherwise select
will return after the amount of time in the timeout has elapsed OR when at
least one file/socket descriptor is ready for an I/O operation.
The return value from select is the number of handles specified in the file descriptor sets that are ready for I/O. If the time limit specified by the timeout field is reached, select return 0. The following macros exist for manipulating a file descriptor set:
FD_CLR(fd, &fdset): Clears the bit
for the file descriptor fd in the file descriptor set fdset
FD_ISSET(fd, &fdset): Returns a
non-zero value if the bit for the file descriptor fd is set in the file
descriptor set pointed to by fdset, and 0 otherwise.
FD_SET(fd, &fdset): Sets the bit for
the file descriptor fd in the file descriptor set fdset.
FD_ZERO(&fdset): Initializes the file
descriptor set fdset to have zero bits for all file descriptors.
The behavior of these macros is undefined if the fd argument is less than 0
or greater than or equal to FD_SETSIZE.The write Function:
The write function attempts to write nbyte bytes from the buffer pointed to by buf to the file associated with the open file descriptor, fildes.You can also use send() function to send data to another process.
#include <unistd.h> int write(int fildes, const void *buf, int nbyte); |
fildes: is a socket descriptor returned
by the socket function.
buf is a pointer to the data you want to
nbyte is the number of bytes to be
written. If nbyte is 0, write() will return 0 and have no other results if the
file is a regular file; otherwise, the results are unspecified.
The read Function:
The read function attempts to read nbyte bytes from the file associated with the open file descriptor, fildes, into the buffer pointed to by buf.You can also use recv() function to read data to another process.
#include <unistd.h> int read(int fildes, const void *buf, int nbyte); |
fildes: is a socket descriptor returned
by the socket function.
buf is the buffer to read the information
nbyte is the number of bytes to read.
The fork Function:
The fork function create a new process. The new process is called child process will be an exact copy of the calling process (parent process). The child process inherits many attributes from the parent process.#include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> int fork(void); |
void: means no parameter is required.
The bzero Function:
The bzero function places nbyte null bytes in the string s. This function will be used to set all the socket structures with null values. void bzero(void *s, int nbyte);
s: specifies string which has to be
filled with null bytes.This will be a point to socket structure variable
nbyte: specifies the number of bytes to
be filled with null values. This will be the size of the socket structure.
The bcmp Function:
The bcmp function compares byte string s1 against byte string s2. Both strings are assumed to be nbyte bytes bcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, int nbyte); |
s1: specifies the first string to be
s2: specifies the second string to be
nbyte: specifies the number of bytes to
be compared.
The bcopy Function:
The bcopy function copies nbyte bytes from string s1 to the string s2. Overlapping strings are handled correctly.void bcopy(const void *s1, void *s2, int nbyte); |
s1: specifies the source string.
s2: specifies the destination string.
nbyte: specifies the number of bytes to
be copied.
The memset Function:
The memset function is also used to set structure variables in the same way as bzero.void *memset(void *s, int c, int nbyte); |
s: specifies the source to be set.
c: specifies the character to set on
nbyte places..
nbyte: specifies the number of bytes to
be set.
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