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Wednesday, 27 February 2013


General method
  • Useful technique for optimizing search under some constraints
  • Express the desired solution as an n-tuple (x1, . . . , xn) where each xi 2 Si, Si being a finite set
  • The solution is based on finding one or more vectors that maximize, minimize, or satisfy a criterion function P(x1, . . . , xn)
  • Sorting an array a[n]
Ø      Find an n-tuple where the element xi is the index of ith smallest element in a
Ø      Criterion function is given by a[xi] _ a[xi+1] for 1 _ i < n
Ø      Set Si is a finite set of integers in the range [1,n]
  • Brute force approach
Ø      Let the size of set Si be mi
Ø      There are m = m1m2 · · ·mn n-tuples that satisfy the criterion function P
Ø      In brute force algorithm, you have to form all the m n-tuples to determine the optimal solutions
  • Backtrack approach
Ø      Requires less than m trials to determine the solution
Ø      Form a solution (partial vector) and check at every step if this has any chance of success
Ø      If the solution at any point seems not-promising, ignore it
Ø      If the partial vector (x1, x2, . . . , xi) does not yield an optimal solution, ignore mi+1 · · ·mn possible test vectors even without looking at them
  • All the solutions require a set of constraints divided into two categories: explicit and implicit constraints
Definition 1 Explicit constraints are rules that restrict each xi to take on values only from a given set.
Ø      Explicit constraints depend on the particular instance I of problem being solved
Ø      All tuples that satisfy the explicit constraints define a possible solution space for I
Ø      Examples of explicit constraints
§         xi ≥ 0, or all nonnegative real numbers
§         xi = {0, 1}
§         li  ≤ xi ≤ ui
Definition 2 Implicit constraints are rules that determine which of the tuples in the solution space of I satisfy the criterion function.
Ø      Implicit constraints describe the way in which the xis must relate to each other.

  • Determine problem solution by systematically searching the solution space for the given problem instance
Ø      Use a tree organization for solution space
  • 8-queens problem
Ø      Place eight queens on an 8 × 8 chessboard so that no queen attacks another queen
Ø      Identify data structures to solve the problem

v     First pass: Define the chessboard to be an 8 × 8 array
v     Second pass: Since each queen is in a different row, define the chessboard solution to be an 8-tuple (x1, . . . , x8), where xi is the column for ith queen
Ø      Identify explicit constraints
v     Explicit constraints using 8-tuple formulation are Si = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, 1 ≤ i ≤ 8
v     Solution space of 88 8-tuples
Ø      Identify implicit constraints
v     No two xi can be the same, or all the queens must be in different columns
§         All solutions are permutations of the 8-tuple (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
§         Reduces the size of solution space from 88 to 8! tuples
v     No two queens can be on the same diagonal
Ø      The solution above is expressed as an 8-tuple as 4, 6, 8, 2, 7, 1, 3, 5

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